

Maling- og sprøjteanvendelser er præcis hvad robotterne er konstrueret til. Robotter kan også sprøjte opløsningsmiddelbaseret maling med eller uden høj spænding - og opnå de samme resultater hver gang. I den automatiserede celle er det nemmere at opretholde en konstant temperatur og fugtighed, hvilket giver kvalitet, som kan gentages.

Selv om et Motoman robotsystem er ekstremt hurtigt, sparer dets høje præcision og koordinerede bevægelser langs stien en betydelig mængde tid og reducerer samtidig spild. Malingen påføres konsekvent ved maksimal hastighed - med garanti for et perfekt resultat.

MOTOMAN EPX serien tilbyder en række malerobotter, der er perfekt tilpasset kundens behov og yder topkvalitet.

Denne Motoman malerobot maler en halv kofanger; ved den næste station maler en robot den anden halvdel 



  • Forbedret og konstant kvalitet
  • Omkostningsbesparelse ved brug af mindre maling
  • Reduceret afhængighed af manuel arbejdskraft
  • Forbedret arbejdsmiljø

Automotive Paint Applications with Motoman Robots

Automotive - Car Body Painting with Motoman Robots

Motoman Robots are actors in the Automotive Paint Shop - Car body / Door/ Hoods / Flaps / Bumpers interior and exterior painting, underbody and interior sealing and applying sound deadener.

Automotive - Exterior / Interior Car Part Painting with Motoman Robots

Bumpers, Mirrors, Spoilers and Tuning parts of all kind - all need to be painted by Motoman Robots.


General Industry Painting Applications with Motoman Robots

There is a wide world of painting jobs outside Automotive Industry - Painting Cabs of agricultural and construction vehicles, coil coating, containers, electronic components, enamels, gas tanks and bottles, machines and machine tools, marine energy, piping, solar energy panels, steel drums, wind energy, shoes and textiles. And in all YASKAWA factories around the world we are proud to say that Motoman Robots are painting Motoman Robots!

Powder Coating and Enamelling with Motoman Robots

Powder Coating is widely used for machines, toys, and washing machines - just as examples.

Flame Treatment with Motoman Robots

Spraying Applications with Motoman Robots

Typical Spraying applications are glue spraying and spraying of damping material.

Ink Printing on 3D Surfaces

Programming of Painting Applications

There are several methods to simplify painting trajectories:

  • Hand Guiding (with HC Series Collaborative Robots)
  • Offline Programming Tools (MotoSim or 3rd Party Tools)
  • Offline Programming tools deriving the robot path directly from CAD Models